We shape the future of information and communication technologies with complex photonics.

  • July 8th, 2024 International conference IS-PALD 2024 (November 5-7th, 2024, Omiya Sonic City, Saitama City, Japan)
  • March 21st, 2024 (日本語) 「光リザーバーコンピューティング -原理と実装-」の出版のお知らせ(著者:菅野先生・内田先生)
  • February 20th, 2024 “Research Achievements” “Events” pages have been updated.
  • February 20th, 2024 (日本語) 3年生向け研究室配属説明会を以下のように開催しますので、ご参加下さい。


           13:00~ 説明会(Teamsでのオンライン, 3年生のみ)

           17:00~ 相談会(Zoomでのオンライン)
           ミーティングID: 839 9301 8048
           パスコード: 049142

           17:30~ 研究室見学会(対面,情報工学科棟4階422室集合, 4階エレベータ出口の斜め右前)


           17:30~ 研究室見学会(対面,情報工学科棟4階422室集合, 4階エレベータ出口の斜め右前)

  • May 11th, 2023 “Research Achievements” “Members” pages have been updated.
  • February 17th, 2023 “Events” pages have been updated.
  • January 24th, 2023 “Research Achievements” pages have been updated.
  • January 20th, 2023 “Research Achievements” pages have been updated.
  • January 12th, 2023 “Research Achievements” pages have been updated.
  • November 18th, 2022 “Research Achievements” pages have been updated.

Welcome to the Uchida Lab!

Keywords of Atsushi Uchida Laboratory:
laser, chaos, information security, optical communication, random number generation, cryptography, nonlinear dynamics, photonics, fractal, complex system, noise, randomness